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persistent in the cultivation, the very high realm will be realized
(Subahuh Sutra).

II. The Fruits of Cultivation

If one successfully practices this secret art, all his wishes
will be fulfilled. His faith will be strong. He will realize the
ultimate and marvelous doctrines that lead to the mind of no
attachment and discrimination. He will know everything about a
person up to three generations. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will
appear and initiate him into the fundamental doctrine that creates
all Dharmas, and clarifies the true nature of the Ego doctrine. At
this stage the yogi can transform himself into many appearances.
He may appear as Ucchusma, (Diamond King of Great Anger)
who subdues all that is hard to subdue. He may appear in great
brilliant aura to save beings and to benefit them greatly. He will
thoroughly know all Dharanis, Mudras, and Mandalas. He will
become the Victorious Great Dharani King. He will have
eloquence in debating on all dharmas. All the fierce yaksas, the
ghosts and their relatives will be his invisible bodyguards at all
places, day and night leaving no chance for any beings to harm

The Dharani practitioner based the actions of his body,
speech, and mind on the right doctrine, and by having no ego. As
such he has the compassion and support of the Buddhas. All
Brahmadevas, Sakra Devanam Indras, and all the Devas in this
world as well as the guardian Devas of the ten directions will
constantly keep guard day and night to secure him in his walking,
standing, lying, or sitting postures (The Buddha's lecture on the
Ultimate Wonderful Basic Supreme Wisdom Of All The Titles
And Meanings Of The Secret Samadhi Doctrine).

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