(singke) #1


To cure abnormal devilish illnesses, stay beside the
patient’s head, burn the Benjamin scent, and recite Dharani. The
patient will recover quickly.

To cure someone jinxed with poisonous bugs by black
magic, write the patient’s name on paper. Recite Dharani.

To cure illnesses related to demonic enchantments (wet
dreams) do the same as above.

To cure long-standing bed confinement illnesses write the
name of the patient and the ghost's name that caused the illness,
and place it under the patient's bed. Recite Dharani. The named
ghost will appear. Order the ghost to tell the patient’s past three
lives. The patient will recover.

If the sickness of the patient is from seasonal air, the
practitioner only has to look at the patient to cure him.

To keep the Demon King that causes sickness from
entering your area, keep a vegetarian diet for 10 days. On the
tenth day, recite 1008 times. This will keep sickness thousand
miles away.

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