(singke) #1


leaves, flowers and bear fruit, let alone living beings with
emotions and consciousness. I t just never happened for the
Dharani to fail in healing any sicknesses.

O Good person! The supernatural power of this Dharani of
Great Compassion is indisputable! Truly indisputable! Praises for
it are endless. It is only known to the ones who have cultivated
good roots in their past. Otherwise they are not able to even hear
its name, let alone see it. So upon hearing my praises, all of you
Heavenly beings, human beings, Dragons and Deities should
rejoice. If anyone slanders this Dharani they are slandering ten
millions Buddhas. If anyone is doubtful of this Dharani he will
lose enormous advantages in a hundred thousand lifetimes. He
will not hear and see the Buddhas, the doctrines, and the monks.
He will forever sink into the three wretched states, never
knowing when he can get out. After hearing the Buddha's praises
for the Dharani, the assembly of Bodhisattvas, Vajrapani,
Brahma, Indra, the four Great Heaven Kings (Devaradja), Devas,
Dragons, and Atulas were happy and started to cultivate the way
as they were taught.

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