(singke) #1


V. The Cundi Dharani spoken by the Mother of Seven
Kotis Buddhas
Tang Dynasty, India, Tripitaka
master Amoghavajra translated
from Sanskrit to Chinese by royal
decree. Bhiksu Thich Vien Duc
translated from Chinese to

As I have heard at one time, the Bhagavate was in the Great
city at Jetavana forest, in the garden of Anathapinkdik, together
with the community of Bhiksus, Bodhisattvas, Devas, heaven
dragons and the eight groups of the Pantheon who encircled him
on sides. Out of compassion for sentient beings in the future that
will have little blessings and full of bad karma, he entered into
Cundi Samadhi (profound concentration) and spoke on the
Dharani that had been given in the past by Cundidevi Dharani
Buddha (the mother of seven Kotis of Buddhas. One koti= 1
million years) in the past. It is: Na Mwo, Sa Dwo Nan, San Myau
San Pu Two, Jyu Jr Nan, Da Jr Two, Nan, Je Li Ju Li Jun Ti, Swo
Pe He.

By reciting this Dharani 900,000 times at home or in the
monastery will have eliminated all the sins from countless past
lives such as, the ten cruel acts, the five serious offenses, the four
major offenses, and the five sins that result in continuous torment
in hell. He will meet the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas wherever he
is reborn. He will be rich and may enter monkhood. If this person
cultivates at home, and diligently keeping the Bodhisattvas
precepts, by reciting this Dharani, he will be reborn in heaven. If
born as a human, he will often be the king. He will not fall as
prey for wild beasts. He will be surrounded by sages and saints,

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