(singke) #1


back of the thumb for the image of Buddhas, or Bodhisattvas, or
scripts that tell good or bad fortune.

Another magic: If a person has sickness that is caused by
demons, recite the Dharani and use the branch of the Casuarina
tree, or a handful of the Alang grass to hit his body. He will be

Another magic: If a person gets seriously ill, recite the
Dharani 108 times and call the name of the patient. Use fresh
cow’s milk and perform the ritual of Homa. The cure will be

Another magic: If a baby cries at night, have a female child
stand on your right and make her roll a thread and make twenty
one knots while you recite the Dharani. Put the knotted thread
around the baby's neck and it will stop crying at night.

Another magic: For sickness caused by demons and spirits.
First recite the Dharani 108 times while holding the seeds of
white cabbage. Next pick up each seed, recite the Dharani once
and throw the seed on the person. Do this twenty one times. Evil
spirits will run away. Sickness will end.

Another magic: For sickness caused by demons and spirits,
use gomaya to rub on a small altar. Use charcoal and rice husk to
draw picture of demons on the ground. Recite the Dharani and
use the branch of the Pomegranate tree as a rod. The demons will
scream and run away.

Another magic: For sickness caused by demons and spirits.
If the patient cannot come over because of the distance, recite the
Dharani 108 times on a branch of the willow, or peach tree, or a
flower and stem. Give the branch to someone to take it over to
the patient and use it to hit and brush on the patient's body.
Demons will run away and the patient will be healed.

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