(singke) #1


Mansjuri Bodhisattva and other good signs either awake or in
their dreams. The Dharani can invite even the Bodhisattva
Mansjuri to come over let alone inviting the sages and saints in
this world or out of this world. This Dharani effectively
eliminates all the sins in the group of the five heinous acts, the
ones in the four- degradation group and the ones in the Ten Cruel
Acts. This Dharani is the winner among other Dharanis in and out
of this world. This Dharani is the heart of Buddhas that fulfill all

Without having to complete all rituals, the Dharani grants
all wishes. If the person vows to attain superior enlightenment,
one recitation will bring about self-protection. Two will protect
his companion. Three will protect the members of the family.
Four will protect of the people in the city. Five will protect the
people in the country. Six will protect the people in the world and
seven will protect the people in the four worlds. Recite this
Dharani once when washing the face every morning will make
others happy upon seeing the practitioner.

I t is also said that: To help a person possessed by Headless
Demons, rub the patient's face with one's hand and recite Dharani
108 times. Make an angry face to frighten the demon; then use
the 'Original Birth' Mudra with the left hand (thumb bent in the
palm, other four fingers holding the thumb, (similar to the
'destroy heaven ghost Mudra), and yell with eyes closed;
Continue reciting the Dharani and rubbing the patient. This will
cure him. To cure sickness caused by all kinds of Demons, recite
the Dharani focusing on the right hand, burn benjamin scent,
form the Original Birth Mudra with the left hand, then rub the
head of the patient with the right hand.

To cross those areas populated with lions, tigers, poisonous
snakes or pirates, one must be pure in body and heart; one must

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