(singke) #1


not eat food containing the five spices, liquor and meat. One must
extend compassion towards all living beings, and recite heartily
the Dharani forty nine times. All demonic appearances will
vanish, and even when one encounters any, it will be a joyful
event. It is hard for people in one lifetime or in many lifetimes to
hear about the name of the Dharani, so much harder to see and
practice it diligently.

This Dharani protects people in this lifetime and in future
lifetimes. It makes them the relatives of the Buddhas and
Bodhisattvas. Therefore, this Dharani must be treated with
respect and absolute faith, knowing that it is not easy to know
about it. Only some of the great power of the Dharani is
mentioned in the sutras. It is impossible to include all in this

Six Letters Dharani of Great Wisdom:
Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum

Sanskrit writing of the Dharani:

From the Precious Solemn King Sutra: When Bodhisattva
Avalokitesvara spoke about this Great Dharani, the four

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