(singke) #1


continents and the heavenly palaces trembled; waves raised high
in the ocean; maleficent ghosts ran away in fear. Buddha told
Obstacle Elimination Bodhisattva that the six letters of this great
Dharani are very hard to obtain. It prevents all defilements such
as greed, anger and stupidity. If carried in the body it prevents
illnesses from three kinds of contagious diseases. This Dharani
has countless favorable responses. It is difficult for the Buddhas
themselves to know about it, let alone the Bodhisattvas. This is
the fine and wonderful heart of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
When someone recites this Great Dharani, innumerable Buddhas,
Bodhisattvas, Deities and Heaven Dragons of the eightfold
division gather around him. He and his seven generations will be
liberated. Even the worms in his belly will achieve the rank of
Bodhisattva. If carried on the body, or on the crown, he will
appear as the Diamond Body Buddha to others. If recited as
instructed by the Dharma, he will have great eloquence. He
practiced the six perfections daily and his merits are thus full. I f
his breath touches anyone, that person will be liberated and will
soon achieve unmatched awakening. If he touches someone with
his hand or looks at any beings or non-beings, they will soon
achieve Bodhisattva rank. Such a person will forever escape the
miseries of birth, aging, sickness, and death. Buddha also said: “I
could count the existing dust particles and I even know how
much water there is in the great seas. However if a person recites
this Great Wisdom Six Letters Dharani once, I could not count
his merits. By reciting the Dharani once, his merits are exactly
the same as all the merits of men and women in the four great
continents that are certified to the seventh position of a
Bodhisattva. If one writes or copies this Great Wisdom Dharani,
it is equivalent to the writing and copying of eighty four thousand
scriptures. The merits and virtues acquired are unimaginable.
Even if a person uses the precious needle from heaven to build

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