(singke) #1


countless Buddha's statues his merits are still not equal to
copying one word of the Dharani once. The reward from such
merits is unthinkable. That person will receive one hundred and
eight samadhis happiness. If a person recites the Dharani just
once, all the Buddhas will offer him clothing, food, medicine,
furniture and everything else for his comfort. This wonderful
dharma has a supreme position in the Great Vehicle system.
Upon hearing the Dharani, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas pay
homage to it.

At the time when this Six Letters Dharani was spoken there
were seven hundred billion Buddhas reciting the Chun Ti Sapta
Koti Dharani. Therefore, it must be understood that the Six
Letters Dharani are the same as the Chun Ti Dharani. One can
recite either or both Dharanis to get the above-mentioned merits.
The complete instructions on the rituals of Dharani recitations
and altar rituals are not fully presented in this book.

Vajrabodhi said: To have liberation from the cycle of birth
and death, cultivate yoga meditation on wisdom and virtue.
Recite countless Dharanis. Picture the mind as a well-defined
round moon that is bright and serene.

Picture the word Om in the center of the rotating
moon. Picture the word Zheli, Zhuli, Zhunti Suo Po
Ou in front and rotating to the right in an endless circle.
Contemplate the meaning of each word and keep focusing on it
without error.

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