(singke) #1


Seal of Asura
Engrave the seal on the Jujube wood
(Chinese date tree) or the Aquilaria wood
(sweet scented wood) of 1.2m (Chinese unit
of measurement). One should remain silent
while working on the seal. Burn incense and
invoke The God of Asura three times before
working on the seal. If one has superior root
he can fly. If one has average root he earn respect from Atula
Demons. With a lower root he can secure the country and
help the world.
The seal of the goddess - Use the wood
from the Jujube tree after it was struck by
lightning. Get a square piece of 1.2m
(Chinese unit of measure) to engrave the
On the 15th day of the 1st, 7 th or 10th of
the lunar month, or on the 5th of the 5th
lunar month, burn incense and pray to the
goddess in the shrine. Work on the seal
and when it is done, put it in a wooden box made from the
cypress tree, using silk and satin to line the box. Take the seal out
when praying to the goddess. (Figure 59)

The Seal of the Thunder God - The power to
become invisible. Draw the yantra with red ink.
At the altar, recite the Dharani. Carrying the
yantra gives protection and invisibility. It will
not be effective if used for stealing.
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