Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
6.2 Dielectric tensor 191

square root in Eq.(6.49) is

B^2 − 4 AC=

(RL−SP)^2 sin^4 θ+4P^2 D^2 cos^2 θ (6.54)

and can only vanish ifPD=0andRL=PSsimultaneously.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

z z z

z z

ellipsoid dumbell wheel

Figure 6.3: (a), (b), (c) show types of wave normal surfaces;(d) and (e) show permissible
overlays of wave normal surfaces.

These theorems provide sufficient information to characterize the morphologyof wave
normal surfaces throughout all of parameter space. In particular, the theorems show that
only three types of wave normal surfaces exist. These are ellipsoid, dumbbell, and wheel
as shown in Fig.6.3(a,b,c) and each is a three-dimensional surface symmetric about thez
We now discuss the features and interrelationships of these three types of wave normal
surfaces. In this discussion, each of the two modes in Eq.(6.49) is considered separately;
i.e., either the plus or the minus sign is chosen. The convention is used that a mode is
considered to exist (i.e., has a wave normal surface) only ifn^2 > 0 for at least some range
ofθ;ifn^2 < 0 for all angles, then the mode is evanescent (i.e., non-propagating) for all
angles and is not plotted. The three types of wave normal surfaces are:
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