Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1

7 Waves in inhomogeneous plasmas and wave energy relations

7.1 Wave propagation in inhomogeneous plasmas

Thus far in our discussion of wave propagation it has been assumed that the plasma is spa-
tially uniform. While this assumption simplifies analysis, the real world is usually not so
accommodating and it is plausible that spatial nonuniformity might modify wave propaga-
tion. The modification could be just a minor adjustment or it could be profound. Spatial
nonuniformity might even produce entirely new kinds of waves. As will be seen, all these
possibilities can occur.
To determine the effects of spatial nonuniformity, it is necessary to re-examine the orig-
inal system of partial differential equations from which the wave dispersion relation was
obtained. This is because the technique of substitutingikfor∇is, in essence, a shortcut
for spatial Fourier analysis, and so is mathematically validonlyif the equilibrium is spa-
tially uniform. This constraint on replacing∇byikcan be appreciated by considering
the simple example of a high-frequency electromagnetic plasma wave propagating in an
unmagnetized three-dimensional plasma having a gentle density gradient. The plasma fre-
quency will be a function of position for this situation. To keep matters simple, the density
non-uniformity is assumed to be in one direction only which will be labeled thexdirection.
The plasma is thus uniform in theyandzdirections, but non-uniform in thexdirection.
Because the frequency is high, ion motion may be neglected and the electron motion is

v 1 =−


E 1. (7.1)

The current density associated with electron motion is therefore

J 1 =−

E 1 =−ε 0

ω^2 pe(x)

E 1. (7.2)

Inserting this current density into Ampere’s law gives

∇×B 1 =−

ω^2 pe(x)

E 1 −


E 1 =−



1 −

ω^2 pe(x)


E 1. (7.3)


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