Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
10.2 MHD Rayleigh-Taylor instability 303

onyand thus rotates as a function ofy.In this latter case, the magnetic field lines are said
to be sheared, since adjacenty-layers of field lines are not parallel to each other.
The magnetofluid is assumed incompressible and so using Eq.(9.10) the linearized
equation of motion becomes

ρ 0
∂v 1

=−∇P ̄ 1 +

B 0 ·∇B 1 +B 1 ·∇B 0

μ 0

−ρ 1 gyˆ (10.23)


P ̄ 1 =P 1 +B^0 ·B^1
μ 0
is the perturbation of the combined hydrodynamic and magnetic pressure, i.e., the perturba-
tion ofP+B^2 / 2 μ 0 .It is again assumed that all quantities vary in the manner of Eq.(10.9)
so Eq.(10.23) has the respectiveyand⊥components

γρ 0 v 1 y=−

∂P ̄ 1



i(k·B 0 )B 1 y
μ 0
−ρ 1 g (10.24)

γρ 0 v 1 ⊥=−ikP ̄ 1 +


μ 0


i(k·B 0 )B 1 ⊥+B 1 y

∂B 0



. (10.25)

In analogy to the glass of water problem, Eq.(10.25) is dotted withikand Eq.(10.10) is
invoked to obtain

−γρ 0

∂v 1 y

=k^2 P ̄ 1 +


μ 0


−(k·B 0 )k·B 1 ⊥+iB 1 y

∂(k·B 0 )


. (10.26)

Because∇·B 1 =0, the perturbed perpendicular field is

ik·B 1 ⊥=−

∂B 1 y


so that Eq.(10.26) can be recast as

k^2 P ̄ 1 =−γρ 0

∂v 1 y


μ 0


−i(k·B 0 )

∂B 1 y

+iB 1 y

∂(k·B 0 )


. (10.28)

Following a procedure analogous to that used in the inverted glass of waterproblem,P ̄ 1 is
eliminated in Eq.(10.24) by substitution of Eq. (10.28) to obtain

γρ 0 v 1 y=−





−γρ 0

∂v 1 y


μ 0


−(ik·B 0 )

∂B 1 y
+B 1 y

∂(ik·B 0 )



i(k·B 0 )B 1 y
μ 0

−ρ 1 g.
To proceed further, it is necessary to knowB 1 y.The complete vectorB 1 is found by first
linearizing the MHD Ohm’s law to obtain

E 1 +v 1 ×B 0 =0, (10.30)

then taking the curl, and finally using Faraday’s law to obtain

γB 1 =∇×[v 1 ×B 0 ]. (10.31)
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