Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
10.3 The MHD energy principle 311

becauseǫis small the spatial dependence ofU 1 can be ignored when evaluating the time
integral, i.e., terms of orderξ·∇U 1 are ignored since these are of orderǫ^2.
The kinetic energy associated with the mode is


d^3 r

ρ 0 U 12


which clearly is of orderǫ^2 .Since total energy is conserved it is necessary to have

δT+δW=0 (10.66)

leading to the important conclusion that the perturbed potential energyδW must also be
of orderǫ^2.
The perturbed pressure and magnetic field can be found to first-order inǫby integrating
Eqs.(10.42) and (10.44) respectively to obtain

B 1 =∇×(ξ×B 0 ) (10.67)

P 1 =−ξ·∇P 0 −γP 0 ∇·ξ (10.68)
showing that the first-order pressure and first-order magnetic fields are linear functions of
ξ.However, since it was shown above thatδWscales asǫ^2 ,only terms second-order inξ
can contribute toδW, and so all first-order terms must average to zero when integrating
over the volume. To specify thatδWdepends only to second-order inξ, we write

δW=δW(ξ,ξ) (10.69)

where the double argument means thatδW is a bilinear function,i.e.,δW(aξ,bη)=
abδW(ξ,η)for arbitraryξ,η.The time derivative ofδWis thus

δW ̇ =δW(ξ ̇,ξ)+δW(ξ,ξ ̇). (10.70)

Sinceξ ̇is algebraically independent ofξ, Eq.(10.70) means thatδW ̇ is self-adjoint (i.e.,
δW ̇ is invariant when its two arguments are interchanged). Self-adjointness is a direct
consequence of the existence of an energy integral.

10.3.3Formal solution for perturbed potential energy

The self-adjointness property can be exploited by explicitly calculatingthe time derivative
of the perturbed potential energy. This is done using the linearized equation ofmotion

ρ 0

∂^2 ξ

=F 1 (10.71)

F 1 =J 0 ×B 1 +J 1 ×B 0 −∇P 1 (10.72)
results from linear operations onξsinceB 1 ,μ 0 J 1 =∇×B 1 andP 1 are all result from
linear operations onξ.

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