Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
10.9 Assignments 335

particular, indicate by shading regions whereF< 0 .Do this for bothm=0and for
m=− 1 so as to show the regions of the parameter space where kinks and sausages
are unstable. For a givenkshow on the plot how raising the axial current would lead
to kink or sausage instability. Which happens first (kink or sausage)?

  1. Are kink instabilities diamagnetic or paramagnetic with respect to the axial field?
    To find this, consider the kinked current as a solenoid and determine whether the
    orientation of the solenoid is such as to add or subtract from the initialBzfield.

  2. According to Eq.(10.139) current driven instabilities cause the plasma to relax to a
    situation whereμ 0 J=λB.
    (a) Show that a class of solutions to this can be found if it is assumed thatBhas the
    provided∇^2 ψ+λ^2 ψ=0.
    (b) Suppose thatψ(x,z) =f(z)cos(kx).What is the form off(z)?Show that
    solutions which decay inzare only possible for a certain range ofλ^2.
    (c) Consider a two dimensional force-free solar coronal loop. Let thez=0plane
    denote the solar surface. Calculate the functional form ofBxandBzusing the
    solution in part (a) above.
    (d) Sketch the shape of the field line going fromx=−π/ktox=+π/kin the
    z=0plane. Do this for a sequence of increasing values ofλ^2 .What happens to
    the shape of the field line asλ^2 is increased? How is current related toλ?

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