Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
11.2 Topological interpretation of magnetic helicity 337

BecauseBvanishes outside of the twoflux tubes, the helicity integral is finite only in the
volumesV 1 andV 2 of the two tubes and so the helicity can be expressed as (Moffatt 1978)


V 1

A·Bd^3 r+

V 2

A·Bd^3 r. (11.2)

The contribution to the helicity from integrating over the volume offlux tube #1 is

K 1 =

V 1

A·Bd^3 r. (11.3)

In order to evaluate this integral it is recalled that the magneticflux through a surfaceS
with perimeterCcan be expressed as





A·dl. (11.4)

Influx tube #1,d^3 r=dl·Bˆ∆S,where∆Sis the cross-sectional area offlux tube #1 anddl
is an element of length alongC 1 .It is therefore possible to recast the integrand in Eq.(11.3)
A·Bd^3 r = A·Bdl·Bˆ∆S
= A·dlΦ 1 (11.5)
sincedlis parallel toBandB∆S=Φ 1 .BecauseΦ 1 is by definition constant along the
length offlux tube #1, it may be factored from theK 1 integral, giving

K 1 =Φ 1

C 1

A·dl. (11.6)

However, theflux linked by contourC 1 is precisely theflux in tube #2, i.e.,

C 1 A·dl=Φ^2
and so
K 1 =Φ 1 Φ 2. (11.7)
The same analysis applied toflux tube#1leads toK 2 =Φ 1 Φ 2 and so the helicity content
of the linkedflux tubes is therefore
K=K 1 +K 2 =2Φ 1 Φ 2. (11.8)

flux  1
contourC 1
volume V 1

flux  2
contourC 2
volume V 2


Figure 11.1: Two linked thin untwistedflux tubes. Magnetic field is zero outside theflux

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