Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
11.2 Topological interpretation of magnetic helicity 339

We next add another layer of ‘paint’ with more embeddedψflux, and also with embed-
dedΦflux so that bothψandΦincrease. The value ofΦcan be used to label the layers
of ‘paint’ so thatΦis the amount offlux influx tube #1 up to the layer of ‘paint’ labeled
byΦ. Furthermore, sinceψincreases with added layers of ‘paint’,ψmust be a function of
the layer of ‘paint’ and soψ=ψ(Φ).It is therefore possible to writedψ=ψ′dΦwhere
ψ′=dψ/dΦ.Thus, the amount of helicity added with each layer of ‘paint’ is

dK=2Φψ′dΦ (11.10)

and so the sum of the helicity contributions from all the layers of ‘paint’ is




Φψ′dΦ. (11.11)

We now show thatψ′represents the twist of the embedded magnetic field. Letφbe the
angle the long way aroundflux tube #1 andθbe the angle the long way aroundflux tube
#2 as shown in Fig.11.2. Thus increasingφis in the direction of contourC 1 and increasing
θis in the direction of contourC 2 .The perimeter of a cross-section offlux tube #1 is in the
θdirection and the perimeter of a cross-section offlux tube #2 is in theφdirection. The
magnetic field influx tube #1 can be written as

B 1 =


2 π



2 π

∇×Φ∇θ (11.12)

which is in theφdirection since∇Φ is orthogonal to∇θ.HereΦis theflux linked by a
contour going in the direction of∇θ.To verify that this is the appropriate expression for
B 1 , theflux through the cross sectionS 1 offlux tube #1 is calculated as follows:

flux throughS 1 =

S 1

ds·B 1



2 π

S 1




2 π

C 2




2 π

C 2




2 π

= Φ. (11.13)

ThefluxΦcan be factored from the integral in the third line above, becauseΦis theflux
linked by contourC 2 which goes in the direction of∇θ.Similarly, it is possible to write

B 2 =


2 π



2 π

∇×ψ∇φ (11.14)

which is in theθdirection since∇ψis orthogonal to∇φ.SinceB 1 is in theφdirection and
B 2 is in theθdirection, the total magnetic field can be written asB=B 1 ˆφ+B 2 ˆθwhich is

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