Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
348 Chapter 11. Magnetic helicity interpreted and Woltjer-Taylor relaxation

axial segment of helical
flux tube surface

helical axis
of flux tube

cut ribbon surface
from helical axis
to flux tube surface

axis of helix

linked externalflux ext



Figure 11.5: Ribbon surface extending from helical axis of helicalflux tube to surface of
flux tube with normal toˆφ׈κ

Because any magnetic field line in theflux tube lies in some magnetic surface labeled
byΦ, any field line in theflux tube has a component parallel to the axis and possibly also
a component perpendicular to the axis, but never a component in the∇Φdirection. This
suggests introduction of an azimuthal coordinateθwhich is defined as the angular distance
around the axis in the direction given by∇φ×∇Φ,i.e.,θis defined such that




. (11.44)

The local direction of∇θdepends on bothφandθ;furthermore, forθto denote some
definite position,θmust be measured with respect to some unambiguous origin. An unam-
biguousθorigin can be defined by using as a reference the negative of the direction of the
local radius of curvature vectorκof theflux tube axis. Theθ=0surface is then a ribbon
surface, as shown in Fig.11.5, that extends from theflux tube axis to theflux tube outer sur-
face so thatˆφ×κis normal to the ribbon surface. The ribbon is considered to have a cut
atφ=0so that the ribbon ends atφ=0andφ=2πare distinct.
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