Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
12.5 Generalization of tearing to sheared magnetic fields 373

Thus, ifx=0is defined to be the location of the reconnection layer, thenΩ 1 must
be an odd function ofxand therefore must vanish atx=0.Hence the right hand side of
Eq.(12.63) must vanish atx=0and since there need be no particular functional relation-
ship betweenB 0 and its gradient, the two terms on the right hand side of Eq.(12.63) must
separately vanish. Therefore one of the requirements is to choose the origin of thexaxis
such thatB 0 ·∇J 1 =0atx=0or, equivalently,

k·B 0 =0atx=0 (12.64)

so that
kyBy 0 (0)+kzBz 0 =0. (12.65)
Havingk·Bvanish at the reconnection layer is physically reasonable, since finitek·B
implies a periodic bending of the equilibrium field;such a bending absorbs energy and so
is stabilizing. Havingk·Bvanish is like letting the instability cleave the system at a weak
point so that the instability can develop without requiring much free energy.
The second requirement for the right hand side of Eq.(12.63) to vanish is to have
J 1 ·∇B 0 = 0. If theflow is incompressible, then the perturbed magnetic field must
be orthogonal to the equilibrium magnetic field and since the perturbed current is the curl
of the perturbed magnetic field, the perturbed current must be parallel to theequilibrium
magnetic field. SinceB 0 is assumed straight,B 0 ·∇B 0 =0and sinceJ 1 is parallel toB 0 ,
it is seen thatJ 1 ·∇B 0 =(J 1 /B 0 )B 0 ·∇B 0 =0. BecauseJ 1 is parallel toB 0 ,J 1 must
also be straight and so a Coulomb gauge vector potential will be parallel toJ 1 ,since

μ 0 J 1 = ∇×∇×A 1
= ∇∇·A 1 −∇^2 A 1
= −∇^2 A 1 (12.66)
= −ˆζ∇^2 A 1 (12.67)

can be satisfied by having bothJ 1 andA 1 in the direction ofˆζwhereˆζ=B 0 (0)/B 0 (0)
does not depend on position.
It is therefore assumed thatA 1 is parallel toB 0 (0)and so

A 1 (x,y,z,t)=A 1 ζ(x)ˆζeikyy+ikzz+γt. (12.68)

Thus,k·A 1 =0in this tilted coordinate system and also∇·A 1 =0so that the Coulomb
gauge assumption is satisfied.
Reconsideration of the right hand side of Eq. (12.63) shows that although the two terms
both vanish atx=0there is a difference in the geometrical dependence of these terms. In
J 1 ·∇B 0 =0
is true for allxbecauseJ 1 is in theˆζdirection andB 0 is a function ofxonly. Thus, Eq.
(12.63) reduces to


∂Ω 1


= B 0 ·∇J 1

= i(k·B 0 )J 1 (12.69)

where, by assumption,k·B 0 vanishes atx=0.

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