Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
15.3 Application to waves 437

frequency modes, then the ponderomotive force contains a term at the difference (i.e.,
beat) frequency between the frequencies of the two modes. Thus, at low frequencies
the electron equation of motion, Eq.(15.34) becomes

∂ ̃ue



E ̃−^1


∇P ̃e−





) 2


where only the beat frequency component in


u ̃he

) 2

is used. The ponderomotive force
provides a mechanism for high-frequency waves to couple to low frequency waves.
It acts as an effective pressure scaling asmen


u ̃he

) 2

/ 2 and so in a sense, the quiver
velocityu ̃heacts as a thermal velocity. The ratio of ion radiation pressure to the ion
pressure is smaller than the corresponding ratio for electrons by a factorofme/mi
because the ion quiver velocity is smaller by this factor. Thus, ion ponderomotive
force is ignored since it is so small.

  1. Beating of a low frequency wave with a high frequency wave to drive another high
    frequency wave (modulation).By writing Ampere’s law as

∇×B ̃=μ 0


( ̃nσqσ ̃uσ+n 0 qσ ̃uσ)+μ 0 ε 0

∂E ̃



it is seen that densityfluctuations provide a nonlinear component to the current den-
sity. The nonlinear term can be put on the right hand side to emphasize its role as a
nonlinear driving term so that Ampere’s law becomes

∇×B ̃−μ 0 ε 0

∂ ̃E


−μ 0


n 0 qσ ̃uσ=−μ 0


̃nσqσ ̃uσ. (15.41)

The nonlinear term is assumed to be a product of a high frequency wave and a low
frequency wave. The linearized continuity equation gives

∂n ̃σ

=−nσ∇· ̃uσ (15.42)

showing thatn ̃σ∼ ̃uσ/ωso that the productnlσuhσis much larger than the product
nhσulσwherelandhrefer to low and high frequency waves. Thus, the dominant effect
of a low frequency wave is to modulate the density profile seen by a high frequency

15.3.2Possible types of wave interaction

As discussed in Sec.4.2, three distinct types of waves can propagate in anunmagne-
tized uniform plasma and these waves have the dispersion relations:

ω^2 = ω^2 pe+k^2 c^2 ,electromagnetic wave
ω^2 = ω^2 pe


1+3k^2 λ^2 de


,electron plasma wave

ω^2 =

k^2 c^2 s
1+k^2 λ^2 De

,ion acoustic wave. (15.43)
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