Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1

442 Chapter 15. Wave-wave nonlinearities

High frequency wave is an electromagnetic wave Here the wave is transverse so
∇·E ̃=0and the curl of Faraday’s law becomes

∇^2 E ̃=

∂∇×B ̃


. (15.70)

Substituting Eq.(15.41) and using the linear equation of motion gives the general expression
for a high frequency electromagnetic wave with non-linear coupling term,

∂^2 E ̃

+ω^2 peE ̃−c^2 ∇^2 E=−


ε 0



̃nleqe ̃uhe


; (15.71)

the term ̃nheqe ̃ulehas been dropped for the reasons given in the previous paragraph.

Summary of mode interactions Examination of the various combinations consid-
ered above shows that the non-linear coupling acting on high frequency modes (either pump
and high frequency daughter) is an effective modulation of the density experienced by the
high frequency wave, i.e.,ω^2 pe→ω^2 pe+ω^2 pen ̃l/n. On the other hand the non-linear cou-
pling acting on the low frequency daughter comes from the electron ponderomotive force
which effectively modulates the electron temperature experienced bythe low frequency

mode, i.e.,nκT ̃ e→ ̃nκTe+nκ


u ̃he

) 2

/ 2.

Coupled oscillator formulation To see how the coupled wave equations can be ex-
pressed in terms of coupled oscillators, the specific situation of an electromagnetic wave
interacting with a Langmuir wave and an ion acoustic wave is now considered. In this case,
the three coupled equations are

∂^2 E ̃ 3

+ω^2 peE ̃ 3 − c^2 ∇^2 E ̃ 3 = −

ε 0


( ̃n 1 ̃u 2 )

∂^2 E ̃ 2
+ω^2 peE ̃ 2 −

3 κTe

∇^2 E ̃ 2 = −

ε 0

( ̃n 1 ̃u 3 )

∂^2 ̃n 1

−c^2 s∇^2 ̃n 1 = n


∇^2 ( ̃u 2 · ̃u 3 ) (15.72)

where the relation


u ̃he

) 2


ω 1 ,k 1




〈( ̃u 2 + ̃u 3 )·( ̃u 2 + ̃u 3 )〉=〈 ̃u 2 · ̃u 3 〉 (15.73)

has been used and the angle brackets refer to the component oscillating at thebeat fre-
quencyω 1 =ω 3 −ω 2 and having the beat wavevectork 1 =k 3 −k 2.
The subscriptehas been dropped from all dependent variables because they all refer
to electrons. Since the acoustic wave frequency is much smaller thanωpe,it is possible to


( ̃n 1 ̃u 2 )≃n ̃ 1

∂ ̃u 2

= ̃n 1


E ̃ 2. (15.74)

Using the quiver relation Eq.(15.36), the product of the high frequency velocities can be
expressed as

〈 ̃u 2 · ̃u 3 〉=

q^2 e
m^2 eω 2 ω 3

E ̃ 2 ·E ̃ 3

. (15.75)

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