Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
15.4 Non-linear dispersion formulation and instability threshold 447

and also
ω−ω 3 =x+iy−ω 3 ≃−ω 1. (15.105)
These assumptions and definitions have been made so thatε 1 (ω−ω 3 )is close to zero,
ε 1 (ω+ω 3 )is not close to zero, and positiveycorresponds to instability. The term 1 /ε 1 (ω+
ω 3 )can therefore be discarded as being non-resonant and the nonlinear dispersion relation
simplifies to

ε 2 (ω)ε 1 (ω−ω 3 )=


λZ 3

) 2

. (15.106)

The linear dispersion relationsε 2 andε 1 on the left hand side are each Taylor-expanded to

ε 2 (ω) = ε 2 (ω 2 +x−ω 2 +iy)

≃ ε 2 (ω 2 )+(x−ω 2 +iy)

dε 2


ω=ω 2
= −2iω 2 Γ 2 − 2 ω 2 (x−ω 2 +iy) (15.107)


ε 1 (ω−ω 3 ) = ε 1 (−ω 1 +x+iy+ω 1 −ω 3 )

≃ ε 2 (−ω 1 )+(x+iy+ω 1 −ω 3 )

dε 1


ω=−ω 1
= 2iω 1 Γ 1 +2ω 1 (x+iy+ω 1 −ω 3 ). (15.108)

Using these expansions, the nonlinear dispersion relation becomes

{−i (Γ 2 +y)−(x−ω 2 )}{i (Γ 1 +y) + (x+ω 1 −ω 3 )}=


ω 1 ω 2


λZ 3

) 2


or, in more compact form,

( ̄x+i (Γ 2 +y))( ̄x−∆+i (Γ 1 +y)) =−


ω 1 ω 2


λZ 3

) 2


x ̄=x−ω 2 (15.111)
∆=ω 3 −(ω 1 +ω 2 ) (15.112)
is the frequency mismatch.
The real and imaginary parts of Eq.(15.110) are

( ̄x−∆) ̄x−(Γ 2 +y)(Γ 1 +y) = −


ω 1 ω 2


λZ 3

) 2


x ̄(Γ 1 +y)+( ̄x−∆)(Γ 2 +y) = 0. (15.114)

Solving Eq.(15.114) gives

x ̄=

(Γ 2 +y)
(2y+Γ 1 + Γ 2 )

∆, ̄x−∆=−

(Γ 1 +y)
(2y+Γ 1 + Γ 2 )

∆ (15.115)

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