Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1

458 Chapter 15. Wave-wave nonlinearities

discussed in this problem can be expressed in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions
(Sagdeev and Galeev 1969).

  1. Stimulated Raman scattering in laser fusion: Laser fusion is a proposed method for
    attaining a controlled fusion reaction. This method involves illuminating a millimeter
    radius pellet with intense laser light so as to ablate the outer layer of the pellet. The
    radial outflow of the ablating material constitutes a radial outflow of momentum and
    so, in order to conserve radial momentum, the rest of the pellet accelerates inwards
    in rocket-like fashion. An important issue is the decay of the incident laser light
    into other waves because such a decay would reduce the power available todrive
    the ablation process. For example there could be stimulated Raman scattering where
    the incident laser light decays into a outward propagating electromagneticwave (the
    backscattered light) and an inward propagating Langmuir wave.
    (a) Let the incident laser beam be denoted by subscript 3, the outward propagat-
    ing electromagnetic wave be denoted by subscript 2 and the inward propagating
    Langmuir wave be denoted by subscript 1. Assume that the laser wavelength is
    much shorter than the characteristic density scale length. Show that if the back-
    ward scattered electromagnetic wave has a frequency only slightly aboveωpe
    then it is possible to satisfy the frequency and wavenumber matching conditions
    at a location where the density is approximately 1/4 of the density where the
    incident wave would reflect.
    (b) Draw a sketch ofωversuskfor the incident em wave, the backscattered em
    wave, and the Langmuir wave. Note thatvTe<<cso that if this plot is scaled to
    show the dispersion of the electromagnetic waves, the Langmuir wave dispersion
    is almost a horizontal line.
    (c) Draw vectors on the sketch in (a) with coordinates{k,ω}so that the incident
    electromagnetic wave is a vectorv 3 ={k 3 ,ω 3 },the backscattered wave is a
    vectorv 2 ={k 2 ,ω 2 }and the Langmuir wave is a vectorv 1 ={k 1 ,ω 1 }.Show
    on the sketch how the vectors can add up in a manner consistent with the selec-
    tion rulesv 3 =v 1 +v 2.

  2. Parametric decay instability: The minimum pump amplitude for the parametric decay
    instability (electromagnetic wave decays into a Langmuir wave and anion acoustic
    wave) is given by Eq.(15.119) to be

E 3 =4

ω 1 ω 2 Γ 1 Γ 2
where the coupling parameter was defined in Eq.(15.81) to be

ωpeqk 1

mimeω 2 ω 3


(a) How do the Langmuir wave frequencyω 2 and the ion acoustic wave frequency
ω 1 compare toωpe(nearly same, much larger, or much smaller)?
(b) Taking into account the selection rules, how does the pump frequencyω 3 com-
pare toωpe?What does this imply fork 3 and hencek 1 andk 2?
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