Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1
16.3 Isomorphism to incompressible 2D hydrodynamics 463

16.3 Isomorphism to incompressible 2D hydrodynamics

Consider now the equations governing an incompressible two-dimensionalfluid with ve-
locityu=ur(r,θ)ˆr+uθ(r,θ)ˆθ.Incompressibility means that the mass densityρis constant
and uniform so that the continuity equation reduces to

∇·u=0. (16.13)

Using the vector identityu·∇u=∇u^2 / 2 −u×∇×uthefluid equation of motion can be
written as







∇u^2 −u×∇×u


=−∇P. (16.14)

Taking the curl of this equation and defining the vorticity vectorΩ=∇×ugives

=∇×(u×Ω) (16.15)

which has the same form as the ideal MHD induction equation, Eq.(2.81), and socan be
interpreted as indicating that the vorticity being frozen into the convectingfluid (Kelvin
vorticity theorem). Because












the vorticity vector lies in thezdirection and may be written as

Ω=Ωˆz. (16.17)

Thezcomponent of Eq.(16.15) is

= ˆz·∇×(u×Ωˆz)
= ∇·((u×Ωˆz)׈z)
= −∇·(uΩ)
= −u·∇Ω. (16.18)

The incompressibility condition Eq.(16.13) means that the velocity can be written in terms
of a stream-functionψ,
u=−∇ψ×zˆ (16.19)
so Eq.(16.18) can be written as

=∇ψ׈z·∇Ω. (16.20)

Furthermore, thezcomponent of the curl of Eq.(16.19) can also be expressed in terms of

Ω = ˆz·∇×u
= −zˆ·∇×(∇ψ׈z)
= −∇·((∇ψ×zˆ)×zˆ)
= ∇^2 ψ. (16.21)
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