revolutionin the waypeoplethinkaboutmicroorganisms.Oneof the main
applicationof genomics is industrial strain development, e.g. in orderto provide
a certainmicroorganism with a gene that produces a specific flavour or
functionalproperty. Information availableon the genomesequencesmaybe
usedto determine the cell responseto differentstresssituationssuchas high
temperatures,highpressure, osmotic shockor disinfectants (Wells and Bennik,
2003;Abee and Wouters, 1999).Screeningtechniques (e.g.DNAmicroarray)
enable the screening of large amounts of microorganisms on the specific
propertiesand selectthe microorganismscontainingthat property. Concerning
pathogenicmicroorganisms,a possible applicationcouldbe the screeningon
pathogenicity or responsetowards disinfectantagents.Thisapproach will,based
on comparison between disinfectant resistant versus disinfectant-sensitive
strains, allowthe determinationof disinfectantefficacyor critical concentration.
4.7 Sourcesof furtherinformation and advice
Guidelines and test methods (6 August
Guidelines (28 July2004)
Europeanbiocideguideline 98/8/EG:
1998&nu_doc=8&type_doc=Directive(28 July2004)
United States ± Food Drug Administration
Environmental Protection Agency: July2004)
Pesticides: []( 2004)
Codex alimentarius;Codex Committeeon FoodAdditives and Contaminants:
`Codeof practice on the safe use of activechlorine'(currently in preparation,
currentlyat step 3 of 6).
4.8 References
ABEE,T.andWOUTERS,J. A.(1999),Microbialstressresponsein minimalprocessing,
InternationalJournalof FoodMicrobiology, 50 , 65±91.
ALLERBERGER,F.and DIERICH, M. P. (1988), Effects of disinfectants on bacterial
metabolism evaluated by microcalorimetric investigations, Zentralblatt fu»r
Bakteriologie,Mikrobiologieund Hygiene, 187 , 166±179.
88 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry