In order to target communication at specific groups, social science
investigation of food safety behaviour should be integrated with natural
sciencesresearch investigatingwhat consumerbehaviours actually increase
risksassociatedwithdifferentmicrobial hazards.Taken together, understanding
what hazardous practicesare conducted by consumers in the kitchen, and why
theyare doingit, shouldprovide the basisfor an effectiveinformation strategy
that will deliverreal benefits to publichealth.
A finalnote we wouldlike to make is, that althoughthis chapter, and much of
the researchreviewedin it, has focusedon consumers and consumer behaviour,
it is conceivablethat similartheoretical approaches will playan importantrole
influencinghygiene or more general foodsafety-relatedbehaviour of workers in
the foodindustry(for example, factory workersand employeesin the catering
sector), and mightpromote moreeffectiveworkingpractices.Afterall industry
workersare humanbeings,just as are consumers, ratherthanmachines.
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