Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

7.9.8 Lighting
Interiorlightinglevel requirementshaveincreased considerably overthe years.
Localordinancesoftenrequirea minimum level of lighting. Usuallythese
minimumlevels are not adequate for foodprocessing lines.Manyfacilities are
installinglightingthat yieldsupwards of 60±70foot candles(650±750 lux) at the
work surfacein the processing areaswhere inspection is required. Lesser
intensities are used in otherareasof the facilitydown to 10-foot candles
(100lux) in areasof shipping and receiving. The lightfixturesare all required to
havean unbreakable cover to prevent contamination in caseof breakage.
Regulators will zeroin on unprotected lightfixtures.Shatterproofbulbsare an
acceptable substitutionfor shieldsoverfluorescentlightfixtures. Within the
processing areas,lightswithlow UV emissionsshould be usedto reducethe
attraction to flyinginsects. Metalhalidelampsare widelyusedin the food
industry. Theycan produce much higher intensities than comparable fluorescent
lights.Theyprovidebetterlightdistribution as they are normally hungbelowthe

7.9.9 Personnel facilities
In a comprehensivesanitarydesignprogram,personnelfacilities(rest-rooms,
lockerrooms, breakrooms, hand-washingsinks)are importantconsiderations.
Everyday one reads accounts of foodborne illness thought to be tracedto
employees not washingtheirhandsafterusingthe toiletfacilities. Vendorsof
hand-washingsinksand unitsestimatethat foodborne illness couldbe reduced
by at least25%if adequate hand-washingwereaccomplished.
Rest-rooms or toiletareas must be designedwithsanitation in mind.Special
considerationsincludemakingsure the toiletareasare ventedto the outsideof
the plantby a fan that is alwaysrunningor is runningwhen the lightsin the
roomare on. Katsuyama (1993)statesthat the minimum air flow shouldbe 35
cubicfeet (1 m^3 ) of air per minute for eachwatercloset or urinal. The locker
roomsand toilet areasare one of the few areasof a foodprocessing facilitythat
mustbe undernegative air pressure. Air shouldcontinuallyflow intothese
roomswheneverthe doorsare openedand throughany other openingsinto the
rooms.The preferred entrance/exitto rest-rooms use a maze design so nothing
has to be touched goingin or out of the room.The facilities shouldnot open
directlyinto a processing area especially if thereare openfoodproduct or food
contactsurfaces anywhere nearthe door. Ideallythe rest-rooms openinto an
anteroomor into a hallway. Floors should be constructed out of moisture
imperviousmaterials suchas quarry tile or sealed concrete withthe floor/wall
junctioncovedfor easycleaning. The floorsshouldbe equippedwithat leastone
floordrainand the floorsloped toward the drain.Walls shouldbe of solid
constructionand extendto the mainceiling and havea smooth, moisture
impermeablesurfaceamenable to cleaning withwater. Hot and coldwaterhose
bibsshouldbe providedso the floors maybe easilycleaned.The individual
toiletboothpartitions,toilet bowls, urinals,and hand-washing sinksshould be

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