Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

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medium forListeria. Legionnaires'disease bacteriahavealso beenfoundin
some waterchillers, in roomevaporators, and in other water/air contact chiller
units.These units are being designedto be moreeasilytreatedwithchemicals
and sanitizers to control these organisms.
Organizations representing certain special food processing groups are
developingtheirownlist of sanitarydesigncriteria for theirparticular industry.
The pendulum of sanitationand sanitarydesignhas alreadyswung pastthe
center pointas foodprocessorsare developing, marketing, and selling more and
more convenience, ready-to-eat and prepackaged food products with the
knowledgethat sanitationmust be designedintothe product preparation. It
will stay pastthe center point,slowly approaching the apexof its swingfor
many years to come. Trainingof engineers,maintenance, and the generalfood
processingworkforcein sanitationand sanitary design will become moreand
more the normif a foodcompanyis to survivein the years to come. A numberof
universitiesthatteach FoodScience/Technologyand FoodEngineeringare
incorporatingmodules on sanitationand sanitarydesignor at leastexposing
theirstudents to it. Morepureengineering schools shouldbe incorporatingthe
whys and hows of sanitation and sanitary design in their curriculum for
engineers.Even if the graduates do not enterthe foodprocessing industry,the
training will serve themin everydaylife as theydinein restaurants and in home
foodpreparation applications.

Fig. 7.3 Mindsetreminder.

146 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry

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