preventthe movementof people,whileinnovativein theirtime,are now
seenas hygienehazards (Fig.8.2a). It is virtually impossible to preventthe
transferof contamination,by people,the air and via cleaning, between low
and highrisk.It is nowpossible to installkettleswithinlow risk and transfer
cookedproduct(by pumping, gravity, vacuum,etc.)throughinto highrisk
via a pipein the dividing wall(Fig.8.2b).The kettlesneed to be positioned
in low risk at a height suchthat the transfer into highrisk is wellabove
groundlevel (installationshavebeenencounteredwherereceivingvessels
havehad to be placed ontothe floor to acceptproduct transfer).Pipework
connectionsthroughthe wallsshouldbe cleanedfromhighrisk suchthat
potentially contaminatedlow-risk areacleaning fluids do not passinto high
Fig. 8.2 (a) Schematicearlylow-risk(white-coatedworker)/high-riskdividearound
kettlesand (b) moreacceptableschematicarrangementin whichcookedproductis
gravityfed or pumpedinto highrisk throughpipework.The schematicshowsthe first
approachesin whichthe kettleexit pipewas too closeto the floor.In later,more
acceptable,arrangements,the kettlesweremountedon mezzanines.
Improvingzoningwithinfoodprocessingplants 159