∑ A barrier to dividelow-and high-risk floors. Thisis a physicalbarrier suchas
a smallwall(approximately60 cm high), whichallowsfloorsto be cleaned
on eitherside of the barrierwithout contamination by splashing, etc., between
the two.
∑ Open lockers at the barrierto storelow-risk footwear.
∑ A standon whichcaptive(remainin high risk),high-riskfootwearis displayed/
dried.Boot-baths and boot-washers are not recommendedas a meansof
decontaminatingfootwearbetweenlow-and high-risk areasas they are not an
effectivemeans of microbialcontrol. Essentially theydo not removeall
organicmaterialfromthe treadsand any pathogenswithinthe organicmaterial
remainingare protectedfromany subsequentdisinfectantaction.In addition,
boot-baths and boot-washers can bothspreadcontaminationvia aerosolsand
waterdropletsthat, in turn,can providemoisturefor microbial growthon high-
risk floors.The use of boot-washersin highrisk shouldbe usedonlyto help
controlthe risk of operativesslipping(if the floorsare particularlyslippery)by
controllingfooddebrisbuild-upin the treadsof the boots.
∑ An area designed with suitable drainage for boot-washing operations.
Research has shown(Tayloret al., 2000)that manual cleaning(preferably
during the cleaning shift) and industrial washing machinesare satisfactory
∑ Hand-washbasinsto servicea single, hand-wash.Hand-washbasinsmust
haveautomaticor knee/foot-operated watersupplies, watersupplied at a
suitable temperature (to encouragehand-washing) and a wasteextraction
system pipeddirectlyto drain. It has beenshown that hand-washbasins
positionedat the entrance to highrisk, whichwasthe original high-risk
design concept to allowvisualmonitoringof hand-wash compliance, may
giverise to substantial aerosols of staphylococcal strainsthat can potentially
contaminatethe product.
∑ Suitable hand-drying equipment,e.g. papertoweldispensers or hot air dryers
and,for papertowels,suitabletoweldisposalcontainers.
∑ Access for cleanfactory clothingand storage of soiledclothing.For larger
operationsthis maybe via an adjoining laundry roomwith interconnecting
∑ Interlockeddoorsor turnstilesare possible suchthat doors/barriers allow
entrance to high risk onlyif a key stage, e.g. hand-washing has been
undertakenand detectedby a suitablesensor.
∑ CCTcamerasas a potentialmonitor of hand-washcompliance.
∑ Alcoholic hand-rub dispenserspositioned immediately insidethe high-risk
production area.
8.4.8 Air
The air is a potentialsourceof pathogensand air intakeinto the high-riskarea,
and leakagefromit, haveto be controlled. Air can enter highrisk via a purpose-
builtair-handlingsystemor can enterinto the areafromexternal uncontrolled
162 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry