Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

equipmentand equipmentcomponents.It covers areasnot covered in previous
bookson the subjectsuchas requirements for electricalinstallationsand sensors.
Understanding risks in food production and hygienic design requirements,
however, willnot guarantee hygienicproduction.Inadequate managementis
often a factor in food safety incidents. Part III therefore discusses risk
managementand control,coveringsuchareasas goodmanufacturingpractice
(GMP)and standard operatingprocedures(SOPs) in relationto processing,
cleaningand sanitation.It also covers ways of monitoringthe effectivenessof
hygiene in foodprocessing.
If you boughtthis bookto address issues that you wantto solve,we hopethat
you will find the answers or, at least,whereto go nextto find the answers. In
caseyou come across issues that you feel are importantbut havenot been
addressed,we inviteyou to contact us so that we maytake this into account in
future editionsof the book.
In PartI, chapter2 provides a generalintroductionto whatthe following
chapters cover. Parts II and III includebriefintroductionsto the mainthemes
that follow.


xxiv Preface

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