Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

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13.6 Conclusions:Improvinghygienein processingpowders

It is clearthat in the powder-handling area,special designcriteriaand process
procedures are required. A dedicated(pre-)HACCP (HazardAnalysis of Critical
Control Point) studyshould be partof the developmentprocess duringthe
designphaseof the process lines.Decisionson the required cleaningprocedures
(wetor dry cleaning) are crucial. In the casethat onlydry cleaning procedures
are to be applied, less stringent designcriteria mightbe possible.On the other
hand,the equipment itselfin the powder-handling area is often not of a hygienic
designwhenwet cleaning procedures haveto be applied. Rotary valves,sieves,
bag filters,flexible connectionsare all examples of equipmentand processline
components that are still a challenge for equipment manufacturersto improve.

13.7 References

EHEDG(2001) Document No. 22. General Hygienic Design Criteriafor the safe
processingof dry particulatematerials,March.Campden& ChorleywoodFood
EHEDG(2003)DocumentNo. 26. GeneralHygienicEngineeringof plants for the
processingof dry particulatematerials,November.Campden& ChorleywoodFood
EHEDG(2004)DocumentNo. 8. Hygienicequipmentdesigncriteria,April.Campden&

Improving the hygienic designof equipmentin handling dry materials 227
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