Table14.2 Frequencyof the hazard(F)
Value Description Occurrence
10 Probable Once/batch
8 Realistic Once/day
4 Feasible Once/week
3 Improbable Once/month
2 Mostimprobable Lessthanonce/year
Table14.3 Exposureto the hazard(E)
Value Exposure
1 Hazardwill be neutralisedor cannotenterin the productzone
10 Unclear
Table14.4 Severityof the hazard(S)
Value Description Severity
10 Disastrous Fatal,veryseriousdiseases,greatamounts
8 Veryserious Seriousdisease(admission),a largenumberof
3 Serious Doctor'svisit,dentist,largenumberof complaints
2 Lessserious Consumerwithinternalinjury,morecomplaints
1 Smallmatter No healtheffects,singlecomplaint
Table14.5 Action
Riskpriorityvalue Nextstep
Smallerthan 60 No precautionarystepsnecessary
Greaterthanor equalto 60 Designchangesto be considered
Improving the hygienicdesignof packagingequipment 231