Hygienic requirements of the packaging departmentand the packingprocess
The packingmachineshould be installedin an environmentappropriate for the
handlingof hygiene-sensitiveproducts. The following generalaspects should be
∑ The packing machine shouldbe placedsuchthat it is unclutteredand free
accessis availablearound the machine.
∑ Unless mounted such that dust and other foreign mattercannot enter,
overheadservices (lighting, piping and ducts)should be avoided.
∑ Clearance under the machine must allow for adequate cleaning and
inspection to be carried out effectively.
∑ Machines should not be positionedoverdrainsif, in doingso, access for
inspection and cleaning of the drainsis restricted.
∑ Equipment should be adequately locatedin positionand mounting padsor
feet suitably sealedto the floor.
∑ Servicessuchas air, waterand electricityshallbe connected in a manner
ensuringthat proper hygieneof the equipmentand areawill be maintained.
∑ The exteriorof non-productcontactsurfaces shouldbe arrangedto prevent
harbouring of contaminationin and on the equipmentitself,as wellas in its
contactwithother equipment, floors,walls or hangingsupports.
The EHEDG is providingpublications on theseissues. Consult http://www.ehedg.org
for moreinformation.
Critical areasfor hygienic design of the packing system
Theproduct contact surfaceareasneed to be definedfor each packaging
machine. By doing so, the zones for which specific hygienic design
requirementsneedto be met can be identified.
Performanceof the gas supplyto the packingmachine
The following requirementsapply:
∑ The gas to be introduced for modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
packaging of the solidfoodshouldbe of high-grade foodquality or hospital
∑ The connectionsof the gas supply installationto the packingmachineshould
be clean and disinfected.
∑ All compressedair usedfor blowing on the product or contactsurfaces must
be filtered to a minimumof a 0.3m leveland driedto preventthe formation
of moisture in the pipingsystem.
Hygienic foodprocessing equipment should be easyto maintain to ensure it
willperformas expectedto preventmicrobiologicalproblems.Therefore,
the equipment must be easy to clean and protect the products from
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