Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

14.3.6 Step6: Verificationof hygienemeasuresand test methods
The ultimate effectof hygienic design needsto be proven in practice.The basis
for the evaluationis the foodsafetyrisk assessment, withits hazard analysis
documentation and the related design decisions as documented in the
construction file.The construction file shouldalso containa specification of
the materials of construction:

∑ Materials specification.
∑ Practicaland/or functionaltest (if necessary,e.g. for corrosion).

A designevaluationis madeby a visualinspectionand/or a practicaltest.
Surfacefinish,internal angles/corners,etc.,can be measuredand inspected.
Hygienicoperationalperformanceis evaluatedby visualinspection and in
practice. Thisshouldinclude a test on the microbiology andon practical
cleaning performance.

14.3.7 Step7: Instructionhandbook, maintenance and cleaning
The equipment manual shouldcontain all necessary instructionsto operate the
equipment in a safe,hygienic and efficientway.Specific attention needsto be
givento the operational,maintenance and cleaning procedures(see Fig. 14.3).It
shouldbe in a formatthat is easyto understand and easyto followby operators
and technicians. Good examples are available from companies that have
developedtotalproductive maintenance.

14.4 Other standards and guidelines.

∑ EN1672-2: On a similarbasis as ISO 14159a European NormEN 1672-2
(Food processing machinery ± Basic concepts ± Part 2: Hygiene
requirements)is available.
∑ EHEDG: Manyguidelinesare availableon specificsubjects.Veryuseful
practicalsuggestionscan be foundin the EHEDGguidelines.
∑ NSF/ANSI/3A14159-1-2002: The standardisationorganisationsin the USA
havemadea normthat is basedon the ISO 14159,howeverwithoutthe risk
∑ American MeatInstitute (AMI):The USAmeatindustry organisation AMI
has developedguidelineswithrespectto sanitary design of equipment.In
theseguidelines10 principles are definedfor hygienicdesignof equipment.
For eachof theseprinciples a checklist is created to whicha designcan be
checkedand rated.This results in a scorethat can be usedfor purchase
decisions. Manyexamples are given,withsuggestionsfor improvements.
∑ Company-specific requirements: Many food producers have specific
guidelinesthat the equipment producer needsto follow.Theseguidelines
are oftenadditional requirementson the norms as mentionedaboveand
shouldbe taken into account in the design.

Improving the hygienicdesignof packagingequipment 237
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