15.2 Hygienic zoning
All areasof a plant building whereprocessingtakesplace should be designated
accordingto one of the following threezonesof hygieneclassification(ZoneB,
Zone M, ZoneH). Thisis to ensure suitableequipment selection and the
necessarycontrolproceduresrelatedto the hygienichazards of manufacturing,
packing and storageof products.
15.2.1 ZoneB
Zone B (whereB stands for the Basichygiene zoneclassification)applies to an
area where a basiclevelof hygienicdesign requirementssuffices.The objective
for a ZoneB classificationis to preventproduct contamination by adopting good
manufacturing procedures, and to controlor reducethe creationof hazardous
sources that can affectzonesof higherhygienic classification.
Thereshould be no openproducthandling in a Zone B area. Products needto
be in covered and in packed form. This allows products sensitive to
contamination risksto be storedin a low-hygienearea.A typicalZone B area
is a warehouse. Personnelin this zonearearequireno special clothing, but
clothing must be cleanat all times.
15.2.2 ZoneM
Zone M (where M standsfor the Medium hygienezoneclassification) applies to
an areawhere a medium levelof hygienedesign requirementssuffices. The
objectivefor Zone M is to controlor reducethe creationof hazardoussources
that can affectan associatedareaof higher zoneclassification.It is alsoto
protect the interiorof foodprocessingequipment frombecoming contaminated
when exposed to atmosphere.Air entering the area can comefroman associated
part of the building havingeithera loweror higherzoneclassification.
In this area product might be exposed to the environment. Where exposure is
likely, e.g. duringsampling,additionalmeasures needto be taken to prevent
contamination suchas placingcoversoversamplingpoints.ZoneM relatesto
areas of the plant layout,typicallyhygienic productionareaswhere:
∑ contact withthe product or withthe interiorof processingequipment may
occur± occasionallyfor shortperiods of time(e.g.samplingof products or
handling of products withgloved hands,toolsetc.,to clearblockagesor to
prevent product buildup and furtherblockage);
∑ products of low or mediumsensitivityto possibleatmosphericcontamination
maybe exposedto environmentalair for longerperiods;
∑ rooms whereclosedequipmentof a higherhygienic areaclassificationis
operating,but wheresuchequipmentis likelyto be temporarilyopened.
Personnelclothingmust be clean,withwhitecoatsand protective headwear
(hairnets) worn.Change of shoesfor operators or covered shoesfor visitorsare
not essential.
240 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry