Controlledwet cleaningin zonesis oftenusedwithdry processing equipment,
since full wet cleaningwouldimposetoo higha hygienicrisk.Withcontrolled
wet cleaning, ceilingsand walls oftenstay dry. Thismayinfluence the building
design and plantlayout to ensure thesesurfaces stay dry.
15.3 Hygienic electricaldesignprinciples
This section describesthe basic hygienicrequirementsof equipmentas wellas
the methodsof installation for electrical and controlsystems. It is not practical
hereto coverall issues and eventualities but giveclearobjectives: to ensure all
installationsare electricallyand mechanicallysound,are easyto clean, avoidthe
creation of soil traps, and are durableto the environmentin whichtheyare
15.3.1 Hygienicdesignprinciples
In the foodproduction areas,soundhygienicstandards are importantto avoid
the risk of productcontamination by microorganisms. A sourceof relevant
guidelinesis the EuropeanHygienicEngineeringDesign Group(EHEDG). The
EHEDG is a consortiumof equipment manufacturers,foodmanufacturersand
Fig. 15.1 Maincableroutingin zoneB (outsideproductionzones).
242 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry