15.4 Installation requirements for mediumhygieneareas
A significant part of boththe electrical and controlinstallationsis located within
the medium hygieneproductionarea,e.g. powercablingsupplyingmotorsor
packaged plant/machinery, and control cablesconnectingsensors via field
boxes/cabinetsto the plantcontrolsystem. Thesecablesshould be routed,and
connections made, in such a manner as to create hygienically acceptable
15.4.1 Generalrequirementsfor wiringinstallations
In mediumhygiene production areas,the electricaland control installations
should be limited to that necessary for the safe and correctoperation of the plant.
The majority of cabling shouldbe routed outsidethe production area where less
direct hygienicrisk is assessed, e.g. mounted on wiretraysinstalled alongthe
pipebridgesnot located abovethe production area.
The preferredinstallation methodfor field boxeswithinthe production area,
is to hygienically mount fieldboxeson a convenient wallor its respective
machine.In situations where this wouldproveimpracticable, fieldboxesshould
be mountedon pedestal type, free-standingbrackets. If undertaken properly,
these methodsof installationavoidpotentialsoil trapsbeingformed.Wherethe
practicalsolution requiresthe wallmountingof an enclosure, e.g. a cabinet
Fig. 15.2 Wellcleanableand maintainablesetupof equipmentin ZoneM.
244 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry