Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

Whereit is necessaryto installfield boxeswithinthe production area,the
preferred installation method is to hygienically mount field boxes on a
convenient wallor its respectivemachine. In situations wherethis wouldprove
impracticable, fieldboxesshouldbe mountedon pedestal type, free-standing
brackets. If undertaken properly, thesemethodsof installation avoid potential
soil trapsbeingformed. Wherethe practicalsolution requiresthe wallmounting
of an enclosure,e.g. a cabinet havingseveralcablesterminated to it, the wall-
enclosure outer perimeter surfaces shouldbe sealedwitha foodstandard silicon
sealantto prevent a soil trap being created at the rear of the enclosure.
It is important that cablinginstallationsin high-hygieneproduction areasare
givenspecialattention and are welllaid out, avoidingtangledcablearrange-
mentswhichmaybecomebreedinggrounds for verminand pests.Horizontal
surfaces should be minimised. Furthermore,the installation should lookneat and
be easyto clean. Joints betweendissimilarmetals(galvanicaction)should be
avoided.Supportequipmentand constructionsshould avoid any dead-ends.The

Fig. 15.5 Walkableceilingwithintegratedluminairesabovethe conditionedproduction
zoneH and a verticalcabletrunkto the machine.

Improvingthe hygienicdesignof electricalequipment 251
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