organisationalmeasures implementedto safeguard againstunauthorisedor
accidentaluse of thosematerials or despatch of thoseproducts.
∑ If a batchof finished product has to be temporarilystoredunlabelled, to be
labelledat a laterdate,the greatestpossible careshould be exercised in
maintainingits exactidentity.
∑ Storage areas should be regularly inspected for cleanliness and good
housekeeping,and for batchesof productswhichhaveexceededtheirshelf-
life or, in the caseof date-markedproducts, leaveinsufficienttimefor retail
21.9.1 Internal transport
Materialsor productsshouldbe transportedwithinthe factorypremisesin sucha
way that theiridentitiesare not lost; that thereis no mixingof materialsor products
approvedfor use or despatchwiththosethat are quarantined;that by-products,
particularlythosenot intendedfor humanfooduse, do not lead to contaminationof
othermaterials;that no spillageis causedand no breakageor otherphysical
damageis causedto the goodsbeingtransported;and that goodsbeingtransported
are not left in adverseconditionsor otherwiseallowedto deteriorate.
21.9.2 Warehousingand externaltransport
Effectivewarehousing operations shouldbe designedto ensurethat all products
are easily acceptablefor loadassemblyas required; to ensure that aislesand
assembly areas are plannedso that unimpededmovementis possible to and from
all parts of the warehouse; to facilitate proper stock rotation,particularly
importantin relationto short-life and date-marked foods; and to obtainmaxi-
mumutilisation of availablespace, consistentwiththe foregoing requirement.
Storageand transportationof finishedproducts should be underconditions
that willprevent contamination, including the development of pathogenicor
toxigenic microorganisms,will protectagainstundesirabledeterioration of the
products and the containers, and ensure the delivery of safe, clean and
wholesome foodsto consumers. Thisdeterioration includes,but is not limitedto,
contamination from insects, rodents and other vermin, toxic chemicals,
pesticides and sourcesof flavourand odourtaint.
Thebuildings,grounds,fixtures and equipment of food warehouse and
vehicles shouldbe designed,constructed,adaptedand maintained to facilitate
the operations carriedout in themand to preventdamage.
21.10 Specialrequirementsfor certainfoods
The GMPrequirementsdescribed elsewherein this chapterapply to all foods.
However, certainclassesof foodsposeadditionalproblems and haveadditional
Goodmanufacturing practice(GMP)in the foodindustry 337