known product residuefrompreviousproduction is systematically utilisedas
one of the startingmaterials for the sameor another product (e.g. dough
trimmingsin biscuit manufacture),that should be written into the MMI, and the
rate or conditionsof use therespecified shouldnot be departed fromotherthan
throughthe establishedprocedurefor varyingMMI.
Semi-systematic' applies to instances where a variable quantity of intrinsicallysatisfactory but extrinsicallyunacceptableproductoccurs and can be reused (e.g.misshapen or short-weight moulded chocolate bars); or to instances where a usablestartingmaterial can be extracted fromwholesome but defective product (e.g. recovery of sugar as a syrup, from misshapen or erroneously formulated sugarconfectionery). In suchcircumstances, provision for suchrecoveryshould be madein the MMI, specifying a maximumlimitto the rate of incorporation.
Occasional'instances are all thoseotherthanreferredto in the foregoing
paragraphs. They should in all cases be subjectto hazardanalysisand critical
assessment by the foodcontrolmanagerbefore any decisionas to disposal.
In any re-labelling of packs,any identifyingmarkscarriedby the original
labels should be carried by the newlabels; and where the packcarriesa
durability indication on the label, the new label should carrya date no laterthan
the original durabilityindication.
21.11.1 Complaintsprocedure
The full significance of a qualitycomplaintmayonlybe appreciated withthe
knowledgeof otherrelatedcomplaints. A proceduremust therefore be provided
for appropriatechannellingof all quality complaint reports.The systemfor
dealingwithcomplaints should followwritteninstructions,whichindicatethe
responsible personthroughwhomthe complaints mustbe channelled.If the
responsible person is not the Food Controlmanager, the latter should be fully
informed and closely consulted. The responsible person should have the
appropriateknowledge and experience,and the necessary authority to decide the
actionto be taken.
Wherepossible,productquality complaints should be thoroughlyinvesti-
gated by the foodcontrol manager, with the cooperation of all relevant
personnel, and a reportprepared as a basisfor actionand for the records. Action
shouldincluderesponding to the complainant, and mustincluderespondingto
any regulatoryenforcement authorityinvolved. Wherethe complaint is justified,
stepsto removeor overcome the causeand thuspreventrecurrence shouldbe
taken;and the defectivematerial that the complaintsample mightrepresent
shouldbe dealtwith,including possibly a product recall.
Complaints reportsshouldbe regularlyanalysed, summarisedand reviewed
for any trendsor indication of a needfor a product recallor of any specific
problemrequiringattention. Appropriate summariesincluding comparativedata
shouldbe regularly distributedto the companyBoardand SeniorManagement.
Goodmanufacturing practice(GMP)in the foodindustry 341