Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

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discussed so that the mostappropriatemethodscould be effectedor endorsedby
the authorities,and wouldalso take into account any requirementsfor or arising
fromthe informationindicatedbelow.
Although a defector a suspected defect leadingto withdrawalor recallmay
havecometo lightin respectof a particular batch or batches or a particular
periodof production,urgent considerationshouldbe given to whetherother
batchesor periodsmayalsohavebeenaffected (e.g.through use of a faulty
material, or a plant or processingdefect), and whetherthese should alsobe
included in the recall.
The procedures should lay down precise methods for notifying and
implementinga withdrawalor recallfromall distributive channels, retailers
and of goodsin transit, i.e. wherever the affectedproduct mightbe. It should
also includea procedureto prevent any furtherdistribution of affected goods.
The recallprocedureshould also providefor methodof publicnotification.
Notificationof recall should includethe following information:

∑ name,packsize and adequate description of the product;
∑ identifying marksof the batch(es) concerned;
∑ the natureof the defect;
∑ actionrequired, withan indication of the degree of urgency involved.

Recalled material shouldbe quarantined,pending decision as to appropriate
treatment or disposal.
Emergency proceduresshould be plannedto meetpossibilityof realor
threatened hazard arising from deliberate sabotage or contamination or
poisoning of product or ingredients by bioterrorists,extremists or disaffected
staff.The first intimation of a specificproblem in this areacouldcome froma
varietyof sources, e.g. complaintfrom a consumerretailer,the media, the
police,the regulatoryauthoritiesor employees, or by telephone, e-mail, post or
personalcontactwithany companylocationor any employee at any time.It is
therefore essentialthat any personnelengaged in manufactureshould be aware
of companyprocedures to be followedin dealingwithsuchthreatsbothwithin
and outside normalworking hours, and that suitablearrangements existfor
callingin key personnelout of hoursin suchan emergency. The extentto which
any suchemergency proceduresmayoverride normallinesof management
shouldbe explicitlystated. Facedwith an emergency situation, the recall
procedures describedabovewill apply, whilethe expertise of thoseinvolvedin
foodcontrol and otherrelevantfunctionsshould be put at the disposalof the
crisismanagement teamresponsible for handlingthe emergency.
The possibility of suchsabotageand evensite invasion mayindicate a need
for particularsecurity precautionsin vulnerableareas, locked rooms, use of
seals,etc. Anyemergency or recallsituation is likelyto involve retailers,
wholesalersor foodservice operators,and a smoothand effectiveinterfacewith
theirproceduresshouldbe achievedas earlyas possible during the crisis.

Goodmanufacturing practice(GMP)in the foodindustry 343
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