Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

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effect without addressing the root cause was then the usual practice of
medicine).NaturalHygiene addresses all aspectsof living: the environment,
food,work,home, economics, spirituality, psychology, politics, etc. and those
other factors that positively influence healthand well-being.
Followingthe recognition of germsas the principalcauses of diseaseat the
end of the 19thcentury,hygienemeasures rapidly becameestablished. By the
beginningof the 20thcentury,it had become clearthat preventivemeasures
werethe onlyway to producesafe food,and the disciplineof foodhygienewas
born.Currentdefinitionsof foodhygiene' are presented in Table1.3. Basedon these definitions,it can be concludedthat the concept involvesall necessarymeasures to producesafeand healthyfood.Anymeans to prevent contamination, decontaminatefood(such as pasteurisation)and measures to improve wholesomenessand fitness for consumptionare considered to be part of the hygiene concept. Various factors are contributory,suchas personalhygiene and hygienicdesignof facilities, equipment, etc., as well as activities relating to cleaningand disinfection of foodpremises and hygienicdisposalof waste, whichare referredto assanitation'.

1.2.1 Personal hygiene
Personal hygiene is of great importancefor the maintenance of healthin general.
Humanbeingsare naturalcarriers of manymicroorganismsand sources include
the hair,skin, mucousmembranes,digestive tract, wounds, infectionsand
clothing. Goodpersonalhygieneis primarilydirectedtowards preventingboth
disease and discomfort.Hand-washing, dentalcare, avoidanceof spitting, daily
showering,etc., as well as clean living,play an importantpart.Disposal of waste
is also important.All thesemeasuresare preventivein characterand are readily
carried out.

Table1.3 Definitionsof foodhygienein currentuse.

∑ Conditionsand practicesthat preservethe qualityof foodto preventcontamination
and foodborneillnesses.

∑ All measuresnecessaryto ensurethe safetyand wholesomenessof foodstuffs.

∑ All conditionsand measuresnecessaryto ensurethe safetyand suitabilityof foodat
all stagesof the foodchain.

∑ Themeasuresand conditionsnecessaryto controlhazardsand ensurefitnessfor
humanconsumptionof a foodstuff,takinginto accountits intendeduse

12 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry

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