∑ Dateof issue. The date of issue, as well as the date of any revision, should be
∑ Identificationof responsible individual(s). Thesignature requirementsfor
SOPsmayvary,but should includethe signatures (andsignaturedates)for
the individual(s)whopreparedand approved the SOP,as wellas for those
responsible for dailyimplementation and theirsupervisors. A spacefor
regulatorysignatures mayalsobe appropriate for thoseSOPsrequired by
Tableof contents
A tableof contents is optional and maynot be necessary for each SOP,
depending upon its complexity.If SOPs are collectively kept in a single
document, however, a tableof contentsshouldbe usedand is helpfulas a quick
reference for locatinginformation.
Otherterminology may be usedfor this section(e.g.goal, mission,policy).This
shouldbe a concisestatement of the specificpurposeof the SOP.
A simplestatementof the scopeof the SOPshould be given. Whatspecifically is
coveredby the SOP?
Regulatory requirements and implications
If the SOPis a partof a prerequisite program requiredundera HACCP
regulation, this should be so noted.
If appropriate, a listing of definitions of specialized terms, abbreviations,
acronyms, etc. maybe included for eachSOP.If SOPsare collectively keptin a
singledocument, the definitions could all be combinedinto one section of the
If appropriate,SOPsshould includea clearly writtenwarningof any risk of
personalinjury involvedwith performing the tasks.
The procedures section of an SOPis the framework and fabricof the document.
Sincewordyand lengthyprocedural statements and SOPdocumentsare difficult
to implement, the formatshould be concise,step-by-step, and easy-to-read.The
following should be considered in writingthe procedures section:
∑ Individual stepsor proceduralitems. Eachstep shoulddefineone actionor
task.Combining steps should be avoided.
The use of standard operatingprocedures (SOPs) 351