Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

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∑ Number of steps. As employees generally tend to ignore longSOPs,it is often
recommended that SOPscontain not morethan10±12procedural items or
steps. If an SOPgoesbeyondthis number of steps,it maybe appropriateto
break it up into sub-SOPs or into two SOPs.
∑ Language or writing style. SOPs should be written in the language
appropriateto the ethnic background of the workforce.For example, an
SOPwrittenin Englishcannotbe effectivelyfollowedby employeeswhodo
not readEnglish.The mosteffective SOPsare thosewrittenin active (rather
thanpassive)voice and present (rather thanfuture)verbtense.Activevoice/
present verbtenseusually provides strongerdirectivestatements to the person
performingthe task whileusing few words.Thus,the SOPis easierto follow.
Comparativeexamples are shownin Table22.2for the stepsinvolvedin
∑ Sufficient detail. Proceduralstepsshouldbe writtenwithsufficient detailsuch
that someonewithlimited experience,but withbasicunderstanding, of the
procedures can adequately follow the procedures without supervision.
However, careshould be takenwhen providinghighlyspecificdata(e.g.
precise temperatures, concentrations) in procedural steps, unless it is
absolutelynecessary. The provision of precisedata impliesthat thesevalues
willbe preciselymonitoredand documented.For example, providing a
precise temperature for the detergentsolution used to clean a piece of
equipment implies that this temperature is precisely monitored and is
maintainedat that temperature.Depending uponthe procedureor condition
and howit is to be monitored,it maybe advisable to providea minimum
value, a maximumvalue, or a rangeof values.The use of generaldescriptive
terminology (e.g.warm, cold,dilute)maybe used,but onlywhenprecise
monitoring is not appropriate or necessary. However, if monitoring is

Table22.2 Examplesof SOPproceduralstatementswrittenin passivevs.activevoice
and presentvs.futureverbtense

Passivevoice/futuretense Activevoice/presenttense

Equipmentwill be rinsedwithwarm
water(xtoyÎF) to removecleaning

yÎF) to removecleaningsolution.

A sanitizersolutionwill be preparedby
dissolvingxoz of concentratedsanitizer
per gal of water.

Preparea sanitizersolutionby dissolving
xoz of concentratedsanitizerper gal of

The sanitizersolutionstrengthwill be
checkedto ensureproperlevel(between

Checkthe sanitizerstrengthto ensure

The equipmentwill be sanitizedby
rinsingwiththe sanitizersolutionfor a
minimumcontacttimeof 30 seconds.

Rinsewiththe sanitizersolutionfor a
minimumcontacttimeof 30 seconds.

352 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry

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