Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

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keptup to date, an annualverification(or morefrequent)should be done.A
recordof verification activities should be kepton file as describedabovefor

22.3 SOPrequirementsunderregulatory HACCP programs

SSOPsare included as prerequisite programs as part of US regulatoryHACCP
programs underthe US Department of Health and HumanServices(DHHS)/
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and US Department of Agriculture
(USDA)/Food Safety and InspectionService (FSIS).While the regulations
required by theseagencies are slightly different, theirbasicintentin regard to
SSOPsis similar.

22.3.1 FDAHACCP regulations
The FDAhas promulgatedHACCP regulationsfor seafoodand for fruitand
vegetable juice.A voluntary HACCP program has also beenimplementedunder
the NationalConferenceon Interstate MilkShipments (NCIMS)program for
Grade A fluidmilk and fluid milk products. With respect to SSOPsand
prerequisite programs,theseHACCP programs havesimilarities,but thereare
certainsubtledifferences,whichare discussedin the following.

HACCP regulations for fish and fishery products7,8werepromulgatedby FDA
in 1995.In additionto requiringimplementation of the HACCP systemfor
domestic and importedfish,fishery productsand molluscanshellfish, these
regulations emphasizecompliance withprerequisiteprogramsincluding:

∑ currentgoodmanfacturingpractices(cGMPs);^9 and
∑ sanitation control procedures

Theseregulationsare summarizedbelow:

∑ Sanitation SOP. Each processor should developand implement written
∑ Sanitation monitoring. Each processor shall monitorthe conditions and
practicesduringprocessingwithsufficient frequency to ensureconformance
withcGMPs that are appropriateto the plantand foodbeing processed, and
relateto the following eight sanitation conditionsor practices:
± safetyof waterthat comes in contact withfoodor foodcontactsurfaces, or
is usedin the manufactureof ice;
± conditionsand cleanlinessof foodcontact surfaces;
± preventionof cross-contamination fromunsanitary objectsto food,food
packagingmaterialsand otherfoodcontactsurfaces;
± maintenance of hand-washing,hand-sanitizing,and toilet facilities;

The use of standard operatingprocedures (SOPs) 355
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