Table 24.1
Important potential contaminants in the paper and packaging industry
and their characteristics
Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB)
Aerobic, facultative anaerobicTemperature optimum 25±45 ÎC, alsopsychrophilic and thermophilic strainsWide pH range
Strictly anaerobic, somemicroaerophilic speciesTemperature optimum 30±37 ÎC or40±45 ÎC, also thermophilic speciesthat can grow even at 80 ÎCpH optimum pH 6.5±7.0 for mostspecies
Strictly anaerobic speciesTemperature optimum 30±40 ÎC,also thermophilic species that cangrow even at 80 ÎC
Formation ofspores
Formation of endospores which are resistantto, e.g., heat, desiccation, disinfectants,radiation and ultraviolet light
Formation of endospores
Members of
genus produce endospores
Same species are pathogenic, e.g.
causes food poisoning
Several pathogenic species, e.g.,Clostridium perfringens, C. botulinum,C. tetani, C. difficile, C. paraputricum
Non-pathogenic species
Other problems Often involved in biofilm and slime
formationSome produce starch degrading enzymescausing, e.g., spoilage of raw materials usedin paper manufacturing
Production of hydrogen (H
) and 2
volatile organic fatty acids, e.g.butyric, propionic and valeric acids:Offensive odours and explosive gases
Reduction of sulphur compoundsto hydrogen sulphide (H
S) 2
Cause odour problems andcorrosion of stainless steels
Habitat, livingenvironment
Widely distributed in the environmentespecially soil and waterCommon in conifer trees used in papermanufacturingOften detected in vegetable and cerealproducts
Common in soil, anaerobic fresh watersediments, intestinal tracks of humanand domestic animalsOften detected in vegetable andanimal product
Common in anaerobic watersediments, intestinal tracks ofhuman and animals
Appearance inpaper industryenvironment
Detected in circulating waters, mechanicalpulp, papermaking chemicals, broke, slime,end-product
Detected in circulating waters, broke,slime, end-product
Detected in circulating waters,broke, kaolin, starch, slime