1.5.2 Assessmentof processperformance
Verificationof HACCP involvesthe establishmentof procedures to confirmthat
the HACCP systemis workingeffectively.However, this stageis still in its
infancy.Currently,verification is limited to demonstratingthat controls are
operating as intended and no proper data are collected. Instead, it is possible to
determinethe effectsof controlmeasures by carrying out a risk assessment.The
principlesof suchan approach are in givenin Fig. 1.1. Valuesto the left of the
foodsafetyobjective(FSO^5 ) are consideredto be acceptable and valuesto the
right are unacceptable.
Insteadof single-point estimates'thatresult fromthe performance of a particular process verificationdata are presentedin a probabilisticway.A single pointestimatedoesnot provideany informationon the probabilityof exceeding the FSO.The curves A, B and C are so-called
probabilitydistribution curves'
that are basedon threelevelsof processperformance. It can now be seenthat,in
some cases, the FSOis exceeded.The process performancevaluesexpressed in
curves B and C are unacceptablebecause a substantial proportionof the product
- An FSOmay be a criterionor a target.Whenthe criterionor targetis met,an appropriatelevelof
protectionwill be obtainedat the timeof consumption.
Fig. 1.1 HACCP-verificationbasedon a probabilisticapproach.The FoodSafety
Objective(FSO)is set as a criterionthat separates`acceptable'and `unacceptable'
22 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry