Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1
Table2.1 Estimatedchanceof dying(per year)by differentcauses*

Pdying Numberper million Cause

1:115 8800 Total
1:10 000 100 Infectiousdisease
1:10 000 100 Suicide
1:15 000 75 Trafficaccident
1:55 000 18 Foodbornedisease
1:200 000 6 Drowning
1:10 000 000 0.1 Naturaldisasters
1:20 000 000 0.05 Lightning

* All data(exceptfoodbornediseases,whichare fromthe USA;Meadet al.(1999))are basedon

Table2.2 Relativeimportanceof variouscausesfor disease,hospitalisationand death
(Meadet al., 1999)

Illness(%) Hospital(%) Death(%)

Bacilluscereus 0.198 0.014 0
Botulism 0.00042 0.076 0.246
Brucella 0.0056 0.100 0.306
Campylobacter 14.2 17.3 5.7
Clostridiumperfringens 1.8 0.064 0.360
Escherichiacoli 1.3 4.6 4.3
Listeriamonocytogenes 0.018 3.8 27.5
Salmonellanon-typhoidal 9.7 25.7 30.4
Shigella 0.649 2.0 0.790
Staphylococcus 1.3 2.9 0.107
Streptococcus 0.369 0.586 0
Vibrio 0.038 0.203 1.7
Yersiniaenterolitica 0.628 1.8 0.126

Cryptosporidiumparvum 0.217 0.327 0.365
Cyclosporacayetanensis 0.106 0.025 0.021
Giardialamblia 1.4 0.822 0.055
Toxoplasmagondii 0.814 4.1 20.7
Trichinellaspiralis 0.00038 0.0069 0.0086

Noro-viruses 66.9 32.9 6.8
Rotavirus 0.282 0.822 0
Astrovirus 0.282 0.205 0
HepatitisA 0.030 0.891 0.460

Total 100 100 100

Boldfiguresrepresentthe mostimportantcausativeagents(valueslargerthan5%).

32 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry
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