wholeE. coliproblem couldbe reduced to zero,an overall reduction of 30%of
totalinfectionswouldnot be achieved.Thesequantitativeapproachesgive more
transparency and more flexibilityto controlfoodsafetyproblemsin a chain at
the locationwhereit is the mosteffective. This can be wellillustratedwiththe
foodsafety objective(FSO) approachproposed by the InternationalCommission
on MicrobiologicalSpecifications for Foods (ICMSF, 2002).
2.3 Usingfoodsafetyobjectivesto managemicrobialrisks
Definitionsof a foodsafety objective(FSO) and related termsare provided in
Table2.4. The principle of FSOis verysimple,the initiallevel(Ho) minusthe
sum of all reductions(R) plus the sum of all growth(G) and recontamination(C)
must be smaller thanthe FSO,a limitset by governments:
HoˇRáGáC<FSO Ö 2 : 1 Ü
This FSOis the maximumfrequency and/orconcentrationof a hazardin a food
at the timeof consumption that providesor contributesto the appropriate level
of protection (ALOP)(CAC,2004). Thisclearlyshowsthe philosophy: a risk of
zerodoesnot exist. It is much betterto set an appropriateleveland perform
actions to achievethis objectivethanto haveone'sheadin the sand.Of course,
this appropriate level is not something that remains the sameforever; it can be
changed for societal,political or technicalreasons.
The FSOis a maximalconcentrationthat will resultin a certain, appropriate
level of cases.In this respect, definitions and the correctreporting of unitsare
crucial. If one talksaboutconcentration(organisms per gram)or dose(organ-
ismsper consumption,for example 100 g), thereis a differenceof a factorof
100.The use of disease cases per consumption or per yearcan also easilydiffer
by a factorof 100 if for a certainfoodproduct 100 unitsare consumedper year.
It is also importantto reportwhether a caseis definedas infection,diseaseor
Table2.4 Definitionsof a foodsafetyobjective(FSO)and relatedterms
Foodsafetyobjective(FSO):The maximumfrequencyand/orconcentrationof a hazard
in a foodat the timeof consumptionthat providesor contributesto the appropriatelevel
of protection(ALOP).
Performanceobjective(PO):The maximumfrquencyand/orconcentrationof a hazard
in a foodat a specifiedstepin the foodchainbeforethe timeof consumptionthat
providesor contributesto an FSOor ALOP,as applicable.
Performancecriteria(PC):The effectin frequencyand/orconcentrationof a hazardin a
foodthat mustbe achievedby the applicationof one or morecontrolmeasuresto provide
or contributeto a PO or an FSO.
Source:CodexAlimentarius Commission(2004):ALINORM 04/27/13;AppendixIII (p. 83).
38 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry